Why your Croydon rental property may not need a parking space to rent or sell successfully. Last week a landlord who had been reading my blog site was interested in my views on the type of tenant he may be able to rent to in his block of flats in central Croydon. Croydon has a […]
Croydon Property Council Tax set to Rise. Will this affect you?
Croydon Council Tax will increase by 5%. Not entirely sure why, and what exactly the extra money will be really used for, but we will all be paying a little bit more: How much more council tax will I pay in Croydon ? information from Croydon Advertiser: Band A Residents living in a Band A property […]
East Croydon Station revamp moves a step closer. That’s good news for property prices!
East Croydon station affecting Croydon property prices? Late part of last year, Croydon Central MP Sarah Jones called on the government to provide an urgent £1 billion boost to rail infrastructure in south London. £1bn seems a bit overkill, but having spoken to a few people about this, it doesn’t seem that much for a railway […]
Me & Croydon Central MP Sarah Jones in Croydon Advertiser – Property Prices in Croydon
The Croydon Advertiser interview me on possible prices in Croydon in the near future (mostly after Westfield arrives) … and an overly large sized image of my face :-s MP Sarah Jones also comments on the article. Read the News Article Here: https://www.croydonadvertiser.co.uk/news/croydon-news/flats-croydon-will-soon-cost-1008425 What do you think: — —
5 bed reduced by over £100k. Really?!
Foxton’s must have the world record in reducing property prices and still managing to retain their clients from their small print. Over £100k on this one! £800,000 on 17/07/2017 down to £699,950 on 03/10/2017. £100,050 drop in price.